From Weeks to Minutes: How Cedar Creek Capital Cut Investor Onboarding Time by 95% with InvestNext

3+ Week Reduction

Investor Onboarding

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Cedar Creek Capital

Cedar Creek Capital, based in Eagle, Idaho, has established itself as a key player in the self-storage investment market. With over $350 million in assets under management and a growing base of 500+ investors, Cedar Creek is a trusted firm and poised for significant growth. However, their manual investor accreditation process was creating barriers to scale and efficiency.

Accelerated Investor Accreditation Process:
Cedar Creek Capital reduced their investor accreditation time from 2-3 weeks to near-instant, accelerating the process by 95% with InvestNext.
Dramatic Increase in Investor Engagement:
After incorporating InvestNext as part of their strategy, Cedar Creek achieved a 5x increase in investor calls and expanded their investor networking events from 1-2 annually to 10-12 states.
Reallocated Valuable Staff Resources:
InvestNext enabled Cedar Creek to reallocate resources from compliance management to growth-focused activities, transforming their team into a more effective sales and marketing force.
Key Results
  • Reduced accreditation process from 2-3 weeks to mere minutes
  • Increased investor calls by 5x compared to the previous year
  • Expanded investor networking events from 1-2 annually to 10-12 states
  • Reallocated resources from compliance management to growth-focused activities
  • Reduced new employee compliance training from 4 weeks to a few hours.
Challenges before InvestNext

The 3-Week Bottleneck: Cedar Creek Capital’s Accreditation Struggle

Before implementing InvestNext’s integrated accreditation feature, Cedar Creek Capital faced a significant bottleneck in its investor onboarding process. The manual accreditation process took 2-3 weeks, creating a substantial risk of losing investors due to delays.

Casey Klauser, Marketing Manager at Cedar Creek Capital, recalls the challenges: “Gathering accreditation documents manually took 2-3 weeks. I’m sure we lost investors because of the time it took. The faster they can go through, the better.”

Valuable resources were tied up in compliance and document management, while new employee training was burdened with four weeks of compliance procedures.


InvestNext: From Weeks to Minutes

Already using InvestNext’s platform, Cedar Creek Capital embraced the newly introduced integrated accreditation feature. This implementation brought about a dramatic shift in their accreditation process. Verification time plummeted from weeks to near-instant, allowing Cedar Creek to capture and retain investor interest more effectively.

“Now, investors must complete their accreditation before they can fund any deals or proceed further,” Klauser explains. “This ensures our sales team can focus solely on qualified, accredited investors from the outset, significantly improving our efficiency.

5x Increase in Investor Engagement

The streamlined accreditation process had a profound impact on Cedar Creek Capital’s operations, leading to substantial growth in investor engagement. As a result of their new strategy, investor calls increased by an impressive 5x compared to the previous year.

The company also expanded its reach by attending investor networking events across 10-12 states, up from just 1-2 annual events. This significant increase in geographical coverage enhanced their investor relationships and market presence.

“We’ve been able to do a ton more,” Klauser notes. “We traveled to more conferences this year than ever before, and this increase in investor engagement is just the beginning of what we can achieve.”


Cedar Creek Refocuses Team on Growth, Not Paperwork

With InvestNext handling the heavy lifting of compliance and document management, Cedar Creek Capital strategically reallocated its human resources. They shifted focus from strictly compliance-related tasks to marketing, sales, and enhanced investor relations while eliminating the need for a dedicated document-handling role.

Now, it feels like we’re able to truly be a sales and marketing team instead of just a compliance and document management team,” Klauser states, highlighting the transformative impact on their operations.

Employee Onboarding Transforms from Month-Long Process to Minutes

The efficiency gains extended to Cedar Creek Capital’s employee onboarding process. InvestNext’s system manages complex compliance requirements and significantly reduces the risk of breaches due to human error.

Compliance training for new hires decreased from 4 weeks to just a few hours, allowing them to focus on investor engagement strategies from day one. This shift improved operational efficiency and enhanced the company’s ability to scale rapidly.

Klauser emphasizes the ease of scaling their team: “Our onboarding process has been streamlined significantly. New team members can hit the ground running, already compliant with our systems from day one.”

Next Steps

Building Credibility in a Competitive Market

Cedar Creek Capital found that its advanced accreditation process became a key differentiator in an increasingly crowded market. They leveraged InvestNext as both an operational and marketing tool, improving transparency and accessibility of investor information.

“Going in and seeing that our systems are already built out, a lot of people were shocked when they first saw that,” Klauser says. “It gives us a real edge in investor acquisition and retention.”

The Road Ahead: Scaling with Confidence

With its new efficient processes in place, Cedar Creek Capital is poised for continued growth. It plans to leverage InvestNext for future scaling operations and sharpen its focus on attracting and retaining high-value investors.

The increased capacity for investor engagement and events positions them well in the competitive real estate investment landscape. The transformation of their investor relations function is particularly noteworthy.

We’ve been able to evolve our investor relations approach,” Klauser concludes. “Instead of just managing existing relationships, our team now plays a crucial role in driving investment growth and enhancing our market position.”

Cedar Creek Capital has eliminated a major operational hurdle by accelerating its accreditation process and streamlining operations, positioning itself for sustained, efficient growth in a competitive market.

Be sure to watch Cedar Creek’s video interview series to see how InvestNext has empowered them to elevate their investor experience across the board.

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