Wasatch Energy Management Slashes Administrative Burden by 90% with InvestNext

50% Investor Growth

From 300 to 450+ Accounts

Explore the story


Wasatch Energy Management

Wasatch Energy Management, based in Provo, Utah, has been a cornerstone in the oil and gas exploration industry since 2002. With a team of 35-40 dedicated employees and operations spanning the Uintah Basin, Wasatch has built a reputation for integrity and hands-on management. 

However, as their investor base grew, so did the challenges of maintaining their high-touch, personal approach.

Staff spent many hours each day fielding calls from investors seeking basic information, manually tracking and chasing down sub-documents, resurfacing and resending emails buried in crowded inboxes, and laboriously calculating complex distributions

Not only were these tasks time-intensive and repetitive, but they became the most frequent type of investor interaction—transactional, instructive, and ineffective in deepening investor relationships.

Slashed Investor Inquiries by 90%:
Wasatch Energy Management reduced daily investor service calls from 5+ to near-zero, freeing up valuable staff time for strategic tasks.
Expanded Investor Base and Communication:
With InvestNext, Wasatch grew their investor base to 450+ accounts and implemented mass monthly communications, enhancing transparency and consistency.
Enhanced Operational Efficiency:
Wasatch transformed their operations by centralizing investor data, automating distributions, and redirecting staff time to personalized investor interactions and events.
Key Results
  • Expanded investor base by 50%, growing from 300 to 450+ accounts
  • Eliminated 90% of routine investor inquiries through self-service portal
  • Increased investor engagements from occasional to 420+ events annually
  • Transformed investor experience with 24/7 access to performance metrics and documents
  • Redirected staff time from paperwork to strategic investor relationships

The Challenge: Overwhelmed by Outdated Processes

Jorden Bennett, Executive Assistant at Wasatch Energy Management, sat down with InvestNext to discuss the challenges they faced before implementing the platform. Bennett recalls, “Our investor relations management process was on paper. We grew too big, and we would get too many routine calls every day, such as, ‘What’s my status? What are the distributions looking like?'”

The situation was becoming unsustainable:

  • Staff fielded 5+ investor calls daily, often repeating the same information
  • Hours were spent searching through physical files for investor documents
  • Distribution calculations were a manual, time-consuming process
  • Emails with crucial information frequently got overlooked in busy inboxes

This traditional approach wasn’t just inefficient—it was hindering Wasatch’s ability to grow and maintain investor satisfaction.


The InvestNext Solution and Performance Boost

The impact of implementing InvestNext was immediate and transformative for Wasatch Energy Management. Daily investor support questions plummeted by over 90%, from more than five per day to near zero, freeing up valuable staff time for more strategic tasks. This dramatic reduction in routine inquiries allowed the team to focus on building deeper relationships with their investors.

With the new system in place, Wasatch successfully expanded its investor base by 50% to over 450 accounts, all managed efficiently through a single platform.

This growth would have been challenging, if not impossible, with their previous manual systems. The centralized management of investor data improved operational efficiency and enhanced the company’s ability to provide personalized service at scale.

Perhaps most significantly, InvestNext enabled Wasatch to implement monthly mass communications to all investors. This consistent outreach dramatically improved transparency and kept investors informed and engaged, a feat that was logistically difficult before.

To achieve these impressive results, Wasatch focused on four key areas during their InvestNext implementation:

  • Centralizing investor data into a single, accessible database
  • Digitizing historical financial records to enhance transparency
  • Creating a secure, accessible document repository
  • Automating the distribution process to improve efficiency and accuracy

This strategic approach to digital transformation preserved Wasatch’s commitment to personal, high-touch investor relations while enabling scalable growth.


Investors Embrace the New System

With InvestNext, Wasatch transformed its investor relations, moving from reactive to proactive engagement. The platform’s capabilities allowed them to provide 24/7 access to performance metrics and documents, a feature that dramatically improved investor satisfaction.

“The nice thing is, when the distribution drops in InvestNext, and they get a notification, they know that it’s gonna be in there,” Bennett explains. “And they know that they can go check the status whenever they want to.”

This level of transparency and accessibility was previously unattainable with their manual systems. Now, investors can self-serve for many of their informational needs, reducing frustration and building trust. The shift to digital also enabled Wasatch to deliver more consistent and transparent communications. Regular updates and reports, once a time-consuming process, became efficient and routine.

Plus, the hours saved on daily routine tasks allowed the team to focus on building deeper, more meaningful investor relationships. They could now dedicate resources to understanding individual investor needs, providing personalized service, and developing strategies to enhance investor satisfaction and retention.

Next Steps

Stronger and More Capable Than Ever, Wasatch Sets Its Eyes on the Path Forward

The operational efficiencies gained through InvestNext have fundamentally transformed how Wasatch functions. Administrative tasks that once consumed hours now take minutes, allowing the team to redirect their efforts to high-value activities. Financial reporting and distributions, previously prone to delays and errors, are now more accurate and timely, enhancing investor confidence.

“We can put more work into stuff for the investor besides just having to answer other questions,” Bennett notes. “We can run investor events or do things that just get to know them better.” 

This newfound efficiency has allowed Wasatch to enhance its investor relations program significantly. They’ve increased the frequency and quality of investor events, providing more opportunities for face-to-face interactions and relationship building. These events, which were logistically challenging to organize and execute before, now form a cornerstone of their investor engagement strategy.

Furthermore, the improved data management and communication capabilities have enabled Wasatch to provide more personalized attention to their investors. They can now tailor their outreach and offerings based on individual investor profiles and preferences, a level of customization that was impractical with their previous systems.

Looking ahead, Wasatch plans to:

  • Utilize the platform for upcoming fundraising projects
  • Explore advanced features for new investor acquisition
  • Focus on attracting higher-value investors

This positions Wasatch for continued growth in the competitive oil and gas sector, with a loyal and expanding investor base that appreciates both their industry expertise and their commitment to transparent, efficient communication.

The Bottom Line 

Through its partnership with InvestNext, Wasatch Energy Management has significantly improved its operations and enhanced its reputation for investor care. 

They’ve successfully balanced the benefits of modern technology with their traditional values of personal service and integrity. Wasatch’s journey demonstrates how embracing the right technology can enhance rather than replace the personal touch that investors value. 

By addressing their operational challenges head-on, Wasatch has set a new standard for investor relations in their industry, proving that efficiency and personalization can go hand in hand.

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